Time Dialation

Have you ever wondered if time travel was possible? If you can go back in time and remind yourself to not do an embarrassing thing or push yourself in the right direction?

Well, you can't go back in time in the traditional sense. But you can experience time in a different way, which would be indistinguishable from time travel. For example, you can go into the future for only a couple of minutes, while years may pass for others. This is a real phenomenon, called time dilation, and was discovered by non-other than Albert Einstein.

Time dilation is dependent on 2 things: speed and mass. The more massive something is the slower time will move there. Speed has a similar characteristic, the closer something goes to the speed of light the slower time will act on them. This is due to Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Ultimately these factors culminate in the main cause of time dilation being gravity. Gravity induces an acceleration upon objects, including space-time itself, if it is large enough. This change in curvature results in a change in the passage of time as it is a parameter of space-time. You heard that right, along with the three spacial dimensions in our universe there is also the variable of time that can be changed based on the curvature of space.


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