The Grandfather’s Paradox

I hate my life. How could my life be as retched as the current state it is in. I need to get revenge for whoever put me into this predicament. Maybe if I was never born, I won't ever feel the pain known as existence. Time to kill my grandfather. But I can't leave any traces, I should kill him in the past, that'll do the trick. No traces...

As edgy as this individual is and as jumpy he is to kill his own grandfather, this situation does merit the question What would happen if you killed your grandfather before he had your father?

I mean if he was killed before your father was born then your father would never be born and thus you would never be born. What would happen? Would you even be able to kill your grandfather since you would never be born to kill him? But if you were never born to kill him then you must have done the deed.

Here's the true solution, and it's underwhelming. You would never be able to go back in time to kill your grandfather since the atoms and cells that make you up wouldn't have existed at that point. Going back in time without the use of time dilation would break the law of conservation of mass and energy. It would simply be impossible for you to kill your grandfather.




Time Dialation