
The concept of spacetime history is a fascinating one, as it takes us on a journey through the evolution of the universe. From the big bang to the present day, we are able to understand how our universe has developed and transformed. According to the Big Bang theory, our universe was formed around 13.8 billion years ago, from a single point of infinite density and temperature. This initial explosion caused the universe to rapidly expand and cool down, creating space and time as we know it today.

Spacetime is that one word that gets thrown around in pretty much all sci-fi. The space-time continuum is ripping apart as we speak! But spacetime isn't some made-up word by the directors of Hollywood, it really is a concept that forms the basis of cosmology. And we're going to teach you what exactly it is. Firstly spacetime is a unit of measurement, you can think of it as the dimensions that the universe works with. You have probably heard of the three spatial dimensions, I mean we live in a three-dimensional world. We have the x, y, and z coordinates. But in spacetime these aren't the only dimensions, these are simply the spatial dimensions of our universe. Spacetime introduces a new dynamic variable, that's actually in its name, time.

Time is a dynamic variable in spacetime like the three spatial dimensions. It changes based off of influences that may change the spacial dimensions such as momentum, interactions, etc. In many cases, it can be treated just like the spatial dimensions. But time can be affected by many other variables such as gravity, mass, etc. Now that you have the tools actually to understand the universe, make sure to correct someone if they randomly throw around the word spacetime.


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