In our entire lives, humans strive in accepting reality, some things are simply not possible. Some of those include immortality, time travel, teleportation. It’s understandable to believe that if it’s impossible on Earth, then it should be anywhere else, well, the universe is actually more strange than that.
Lets find something that is closer to home than we think. Saturn’s largest moon and the largest in the solar system, Titan, not a planet as stated by the title, but is known for its unusual properties. For starters, Titan is similar to Earth in some aspects, it has an atmosphere, lakes, oceans, and even rains just like on Earth. However, the temperature is an absolute freezing of -179 degrees Celsius. Due to this temperature, Titan has hydrocarbons which are found in petroleum. Titan formed with a large complement of methane which is sensitive to UV light from the Sun. Over millions of years, methane molecules have one or more hydrogen atoms cleaved off by a UV photon to create a highly reactive methyl radical which on occasion will react with another methyl to form ethane, ethane can lose a hydrogen to become an ethyl radical which can then react to form heavier hydrocarbons. The heaviest molecules form a thick smog which eventually condenses on the surface. This is the main chemical of natural gas, which causes the fuel needed to drive cars, rockets, trains, and vehicles. This causes MASS production of oil, without even needing the use of humans. Only 20% of Titan has ever been studied, but even in that region alone. There is hundreds of times more natural gas in that moon than ALL of Earth. In the future, it is very theorized that oil tycoons might send out spaceships to Titan just with the intent of bringing back oil to the surface.
Second off, you could theoretically fly on Titan, yes, it's true! The whole reason why humans can't fly on Earth, even with attached wings is because Earth's atmosphere and gravity allow for the flight of smaller, lighter creatures; they present significant challenges for heavier beings like humans. The lift generated by wings depends on air density and wing speed, and the forces needed to overcome gravity and achieve lift would be prohibitive for human mass. On Titan however, the atmosphere is so thick (so thick you can see an aura surrounding around it), and the gravity is weak enough to support a humans mass and that if you would be able to attach wings to yourself and created enough velocity and flapped your wings fast enough to could fly like a bird no problem. Of course you wouldn’t last forever and had other suits to protect you from the weather but still, you could flap around your wings just like in your dreams and make it a reality.