The String Theory Hypothesis

Albert Einstein proved the idea of an atom, the idea that there is an indivisible building block that is responsible for everything that we see around us. But based on this postulate, many others have sought to look deeper into what creates those building blocks, and what creates those like recursive functions. So far we have been able to go deeper than just the atom. We’ve broken the atom into subatomic particles, and these particles into quarks… But what happens after that? 

Einstein’s theory of relativity and Quantum Mechanics have not been able to describe what happens beyond the quark. To fill this gap in our understanding of the universe, String Theory was created, which is the idea that vibrating strings of different frequencies create different fields in which the array of particles form. These fields can form neutrinos, protons, electrons, etc. 

Although mathematically, this idea works extremely well, we’ve yet to explain this with experimental methods, thus we must rely on the existing scientific literature and the mathematics that came from it. String Theory, or should I say the String Theory Hypothesis, is like this. It has yet to be experimentally proven after years of our brightest scientists wasting their lives on this idea that cannot be proven. Although String Theory fits with our mathematical understanding of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, math is just a tool used to observe the universe. The universe does not strictly follow the mathematical rules that were created by humanity to estimate the behavior of the universe. 

These estimates can only take us so far, experimental evidence is necessary to come to a conclusion. What happened to scientists being scientific in their philosophy? The entire scientific system is based on experiments and data, not mathematics we’re not even entirely sure what works in this situation. An idea is a hypothesis until proven otherwise, and String Theory is no exception regardless of its ease of integration into our current physical paradigm.

I believe this entire argument may hinge on whether you believe math was invented or discovered. Is math just a tool to measure the universe, or is it something innate in the universe that is being clearly observed? These two schools of thought contribute to whether one believes that String Theory works due to how well it fits into our current framework. 


Quantum Computers


Mathematics! Invented or Discovered