Limitations of AI

There is much fear about the spread of artificial intelligence throughout the world. THis can be through blue color workers losing their jobs to automotive robots or white colar workers loosing their jobs to artificial intelligence that is becoming increasingly more knowledgable. Then there is the most irrational fear that robots are going to enslave the human race and become our overlords, which is an increasingly common idea amongst the average person who only has a shallow understanding of how artificial intelligence works.

I'm here to assuage your fears about AI, as most of these aspects are unlikely or practically impossible to happen.

The advent of new automation technology and new artificial intelligence projects should not be seen as a replacement for human workers, but a complimentary aspect to human work. Instead of blue-collar workers having to do all of the manual labor on their own, they would be able to focus on more important tasks, such as management and analysis. If robots can do all the hard-work humans can sit back and simply use our minds.

And to those who believe that ChatGPT and Dali are coming for your jobs. They don't have the ability to create high-quality images of pieces. ChatGPT can barely create a writing piece that appears human, and Dali struggles to make it seem like the artist isn't under the influence of narcotics. They're limited by not having all of the other facets of human intelligence working in tandem.

Moreover, many of these programs such as ChatGPT, Dali, and MidJourney are created based on an average. As long as you distinguish yourself as a human being in the online and artistic ecosystem I assure you that you will be able to stand out amongst the Artificial Intelligence that many fear.

In fact, Artificial Intelligence can be used as a tool for human workers to aid our already superior intellect. We see this happening in many fields already and even if you don't believe it your current or aspiring field has been affected somewhat. Simply the implementation of the modern computer in all facets of life and its prevalence in modern work culture should be a clear display of the importance that automation has in out day-to-day lives.

But Artificial Intelligence works in a much different way, and its importance lies in the fact that is can mimic certain aspects of the human brain. Although it can't mimic all aspects of the human brain the parts that it can mimick, AI can do amazingly well, oftentimes surpassing their human overlords in many aspects.

The most important human aspect that AI cannot mimic is the human consciousness. It cannot think like a human, nor feel like a human. It is a series of computations meant to find an average

You know there is one piece in this publications that is written by ChatGPT. You can try to spot it, but a tip you can use to find this article is that it average. It might seem bland or boring, but it is the average of the data that it is given. That means that uniqueness is what differentiates all people. For this reason, everyone should strive to differentiate themselves.


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