How to become a millionaire!

Millionaires are the wealthy elite of society. The opinions towards millionaires are drastically different from person to person. Millionaires are seen as lazy or hardworking, greedy or philanthropic, and other labels that are given to them based on how they use their wealth. We often hear about how millionaires use their wealth. But how do millionaires really gain their wealth? Do they get it from working in an organization or owning property? Are most of them self-made millionaires, or do they just get an inheritance? It’s possible to use these tips and make millions of dollars on your own. And who doesn’t want to be a millionaire?

I would understand if you didn't believe me right away, since millionaires are part of the 1 percent. But there is a pattern of habits that many millionaires have in common. Most of these habits are picked up during their childhoods. They include reading, public speaking, networking, etc. Reading is a habit that many millionaires use to increase creativity, memorization, and other skills that would be useful in accumulating wealth. Since many millionaires are entrepreneurs and lawyers, it's a no brainer that public speaking and networking are useful skills. It would help you become more important in the field that you choose, which would lead to higher salaries. Just picking up a few habits and learning a few skills can make it more likely that you would be a part of the 1%.

Maybe it's too late to pick up these habits, or you simply don't want to learn these skills; luckily, there are still different ways to make money. There are many college degrees and sources of income, such as stocks and capital, that could greatly increase your chances of being a millionaire.

There are many jobs that could lead to becoming a millionaire with a few years of saving. These positions include physicians, engineers, computer scientists, etc. It should come at no surprise that physicians are on the list. Doctors make around $300,000 and even more after they become specialized doctors. Saving ⅔ of their income would be enough to make them a millionaire in 5 years while still having more than enough money to live comfortably. There are also engineers, though they usually make much less than doctors at a salary of around $110,000. An engineering degree creates a much easier pathway into becoming a successful entrepreneur. The engineering degree even forces students to think creatively and quickly. And finally, computer scientists are on the list due to how easy it is to become a computer scientist and move up in the field. Once someone reaches seniority in the field (which is much less competitive than other fields), it would be a breeze to become a millionaire.

But maybe you don’t want to work; maybe you just want to get your money from owning stocks. The stock market is known for being unpredictable. Making a living off of it would be nearly impossible. But if you follow some rules, you may be able to live off of stocks. When investing in stocks, remember to set long-term goals, understand the risks involved, invest in different areas, make logical decisions, and play it safe. These rules are followed by successful stock investors everywhere.


How to Become a Millionaire Part 2


Artemis Missions