Life On The ISS

What do you think is the most expensive thing that humans have made? Maybe an expensive car, a huge mansion, really expensive military software? if you guessed any of these you would be incorrect, its actually a hunk of metal in the sky called the International Space Station.

The ISS was a collaboration between the governments of the world. It included the European Space Agency, The U.S, Japan, Canada, and Russia. They all own par of the Internaional Space Station and collaborate on scientific experiments. Many of the experiments on the ISS included humans and other Earth species. The effects of the low gravity on Earth creatures are an important piece of information that is vital to the advancement of space technology if humans ever want to leave the Earth and travel amongst the stars. The International Space station is one of the Earth's first strongholds in space and is the first of many.

Unfortunately the ISS will be retired in 2031.


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